Why July 17 Holds a Special Day in South Korea?


  July 17, known as Constitution Day or Jeheonjeol , South Koreans celebrate the declaration of the country's first constitution. South...


July 17, known as Constitution Day or Jeheonjeol, South Koreans celebrate the declaration of the country's first constitution.

South Korea's constitution established the principles of administration, the rights and duties of its citizens, and the structure for the separation of powers, laying the basis for a democratic republic.

It was initially designated a national holiday in South Korea on October 1, 1949. But due to revised labor laws, South Korean Constitution Day has no longer been a non-working day since 2008.

South Korea Constitution Day | Photo: National Archives of Korea

What are the activities during Constitution Day in South Korea?

The National Assembly Building, situated in Yeouido, Seoul, serves as the venue for the passage of Korean laws. On Constitution Day, a commemorative event takes place in front of the National Assembly Building. This ceremony involves the participation of individuals chosen as National Representatives. To become a National Representative, there is no need for specific qualifications or prerequisites. In line with the principle of equality before the law, anyone can apply online for the role of National Representative.

In addition to the Constitution Day celebration, another notable event takes place at the National Assembly Building known as the Korean College Student Debate. During this event, students engage in passionate debates on a range of topics, including issues like the disclosure of private information of sex offenders and the legalization of same-sex marriage. These debates provide a platform for students to express their opinions and engage in intellectual discourse on important social issues.

The importance of Korean Constitution Day lies in its recognition of the constitution's crucial role in safeguarding individual liberties, including freedom. It serves as an opportunity for the people to pay tribute to this vital aspect. At times, people may overlook the significance of a nation's independence and fail to appreciate it fully. Korean Constitution Day serves as a reminder to express gratitude for the freedom the people enjoy as citizens of the country.



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PinoySeoul.com: Why July 17 Holds a Special Day in South Korea?
Why July 17 Holds a Special Day in South Korea?
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