Youtube vlogger, Just Moy, shares her adventures in her dream country at BUHAY KOREA by PinoySeoul. Jen-Mae, mostly known as Just Moy by her...
Youtube vlogger, Just Moy, shares her adventures in her dream country at BUHAY KOREA by PinoySeoul.
Jen-Mae, mostly known as Just Moy by her Youtube subscribers, does not differ from most of us as she is also a K-drama fan who fell in love with the charm of South Korea. Her supposedly short trip to the country turned into two years full of learning and challenges, all thanks to circumstances that led her to stay in South Korea longer than she expected to and also opened an opportunity for her to start her vlogging journey, in which she admitted that as a child, she already loved filming herself. Through vlogging, she got to work with different online shopping sites and promote proper skincare routines and products to her subscribers.
Although it sounds as if it's like fate for Just Moy to stay in South Korea, her journey has not been all rainbows and unicorns. On top of language and cultural barriers, she also needs to keep studying to maintain her visa to stay longer in the country. Vlogging has been a big help in sustaining her needs and lifestyle while living in a foreign country, which she admitted has been hard for her but also helped her be independent, which she will forever cherish.
But amid these hardships, she was also able to find a family and heal in a foreign country. Indeed, it was a beautiful story for people who also aspired to go and visit South Korea. Fate will work on its own if it is really for you. Just like what Just Moy said as we asked her for a message for people who aspire to try their luck in South Korea, she said, "Never think that you are not capable of doing something because you will never know what God has planned for you. Just have courage and be kind. Always."
Follow Just Moy’s South Korea adventures and listen more to her stories on her social media accounts!
Youtube: Just Moy TikTok: justiamoy
Facebook: Just Moy
Instagram: justiamoy
Written by: Thea Templanza
Thea TemplanzaThea is currently an intern at She likes to write anything K-related, and she usually gets through her day by listening to her favorite K-pop song and her homemade iced coffee.
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item BUHAY KOREA: A childhood dream turned into reality on her dream destination all at once, how Just Moy lived her dream in South Korea
BUHAY KOREA: A childhood dream turned into reality on her dream destination all at once, how Just Moy lived her dream in South Korea
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