Korean Attractions in the Philippines that you should visit!


If you're looking for travel destinations that make you feel like you just traveled to Korea, We got you! Appreciating, learning, and ad...

If you're looking for travel destinations that make you feel like you just traveled to Korea, We got you! Appreciating, learning, and admiring Korea and its culture is a very fun experience to have, so we prepared a list of Korean attractions that you can visit here in the Philippines!

1. Manila Buddhist Meditation Center

It's an easy two-hour drive from Metro Manila. Located in Pooc II in Silang, Cavite, this temple is known as the Manila Buddhist Meditation Center and is mentioned as the first Korean temple founded in the Philippines. People come here for a retreat, to meditate, or to just escape the hustle and bustle of the city. You can appreciate the beautiful architecture of the temple while strolling through the peaceful pathways of the area. Highly recommended for those who enjoy relaxing and unwinding.

2. Seollem Café

Located in #74 Del Nacia Apartments, Camp 7, Baguio City, this cafe is inspired by two K-dramas, Itaewon Class and Crash Landing on You, which you can see in its interiors. The first floor’s interior design is inspired by Danbam, Park Saeroyi's (Park Seo-Joon) restaurant in the K-drama Itaewon Class. It features leather seats, wooden tables, and walls with a cement finish. Plants and lights also add a touch of whimsy to the space. On the other hand, the second floor is based on Yoon Seri (Son Ye-jin)’s luxury apartment in Crash Landing on You. The furniture is more or less the same as the ones on the first floor but is elevated by a high ceiling, ceiling lamps, and splashes of yellow, orange, and green. The cafe also offers delicious foods, desserts, and drinks that you can enjoy while admiring the beautiful interior of the cafe and the views of Baguio City.

3. Republic Of Korea Memorial Park

Republic Of Korea Memorial Park is located at Government Center, Barangay Candahug, Palo, Tacloban City, 6501 Leyte, Philippines. It was built by Korean army soldiers who helped the people of Leyte, Philippines -- particularly those in Tacloban, Palo and Tanauan -- restore their homes, schools and livelihood after the wrought of Supertyphoon Haiyan (or Yolanda in local name). The park has monuments of Korean soldiers and symbolism, which made us remember historical events and friendly relations between our countries!

4. Korean Cultural Center

The Korean Cultural Center, which is situated at 59 Bayani Road in Taguig City, 1630 Metro Manila, has been offering a variety of programs, including classes in the Korean language, traditional dance, K-Pop dance, Korean singing, taekwondo, hansik, or Korean cooking, and mooninhwa, minhwa, or traditional painting. Also, the institution includes resources for Korean-related art and libraries. If you wish to understand and discover more about Korea, you should stop by this center.

I hope these places are now on your list of places to visit! Safe travels, Chingus!

Thumbnails from Tales of Tephie & Tripadvisor

Written by: Jasmine Ticmon

Jasmine Sophia Jhudiel R. Ticmon, or just simply "Jassy," is a Humanities and Social Science Student of Electron College Of Technical Education - Camarin, who writes with luv and fun!



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PinoySeoul.com: Korean Attractions in the Philippines that you should visit!
Korean Attractions in the Philippines that you should visit!
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