Three Meals a Day: Doctors, an Epic Extension of Hospital Playlist


  Hospital Playlist’s latest season may be over, but the group’s great vibe is far from it. Recent episodes of the reality show Three Meals ...


Hospital Playlist’s latest season may be over, but the group’s great vibe is far from it.

Recent episodes of the reality show Three Meals a Day features the members of 99, the five actors who played as doctors in the hit medical drama. They are Jo Jung Suk, Yoo Yeon Seok, Jung Kyung Ho, Kim Dae Myung, and Jeon Mi Do, the only lady in the gang. Aside from their medical prowess in the surgery room, this solid group of friends play music as a band after shifts. For those who do not know, they named the group “99” to refer to the year they entered medical school.

In the reality program, apart from demonstrating how they value their friendship, members of the 99 wow their fans with their display of skills outside of acting. Cooking, harvesting fruits and vegetables, gathering fresh eggs, buying foodstuff from the market, washing the dishes, creating fire with firewoods, cleaning, and even handcrafting a table (in the case of Yoo Yeon Seok), are some of the remarkable ways this bunch has impressed viewers. They manifest their flexibility and being real like everyone else. Who they are outside their successful drama endeared them to the audiences even more.

One of the highlights in Three Meals a Day is the food that they prepare every meal. Not only do they ignite one’s fondness for Korean food. But they also provide a means for many Korean and non-Korean viewers and cooking enthusiasts how those delectable meals are cooked.

For example, the napa cabbage jeon or cabbage pancake. It is good to note that aside from being a kimchi staple, the cabbage brings another dish to life. It is a simple yet flavorful side dish that incorporates a little anchovy broth into the flour, mixed with gochugaru, and salt (optional for added flavor). The cook must coat each piece of washed cabbage leaf with this batter or may dip each cabbage leaf into the batter before frying. It was so interesting to see Jeon Mi Do graciously cook and serve this kind of jeon.      

Another drool-inducing Korean food served in the show was tofu-egg jeon. Yoo Yeon Seok was in charge of the preparation of the ingredients and cooking. The eyes were glued to the TV as Yeon Seok minced the carrots, onions, and a block of tofu. He mixed them with an egg and created a square shape block of the mixture. Then he placed slices of cheese on one half of the block while it was frying. When it was almost done, he took the other half without cheese and covered it to the side that has cheese, creating a two-layer fried cake. It looked so good when it was served with the cheese oozing inside as they cut a piece. He said he forgot to add flour to make the cake firm, but the guys said it was great as is.

More episodes are coming up. The writer could not wait for what to copy next and cook in her kitchen. 



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item Three Meals a Day: Doctors, an Epic Extension of Hospital Playlist
Three Meals a Day: Doctors, an Epic Extension of Hospital Playlist
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