Five Reasons to Watch "Chicago Typewriter" Before it Signs Off on Netflix


Some of you may know that there's a lot of K-dramas that will sign off by the end of September. One of those is Chicago Typewriter. (Her...

Some of you may know that there's a lot of K-dramas that will sign off by the end of September. One of those is Chicago Typewriter. (Here's the full list of Kdramas that will be removed from Netflix by the end of September 2021.)

This K-drama has been sitting in "My List" on Netflix. I started watching episode 1 back in 2017, and I think I suddenly stopped. The rest was history. 

I had been seeing clips here and there. And when I found out it'll sign off, I immediately started watching it. And guess what? I surprisingly enjoyed every bit of it. I got a headache today from too much watching, honestly. LOL! 

Photo credit: Lone Wolf Tumblr

Chicago Typewriter is about three friends in the 1930s who have been reincarnated as a famous writer, another as a ghostwriter (also literally a ghost), and lastly as a fan of the writer. It's quite unique, and once you start watching it, you won't easily set it aside. I thought it's going to be dark and dull, but it's the other way around. 

So before I lose track, here are the five reasons to watch Chicago Typewriter: 

1. An unexpectedly great watch

Given that I am writing about it even if I am not yet done watching means it's truly something to look forward to. I am famous among my friends as that K-drama fan who easily gives up watching something that I find uninteresting. I already scammed my friends a gazillion times with the K-dramas I suddenly give up halfway through. They always end up watching it to the end, while I am already hooked on another drama! LOL! 

I am currently on episode 8 and I just started watching yesterday. Do I need to say more? 

The actors and actresses were also a great choice for the drama. Kudos to writer-nim and PD-nim! They've done truly well that I cannot imagine anybody else playing their roles. Everything feels so natural as if they were born to play their roles. 

2. Great camaraderie 

I am currently on the eighth episode, and though I don't want to spoil myself, I have these random thoughts about why Yu Jin Oh keeps lingering around. Maybe because even in the new life given to Han Se Joo and Jeon Seol, he still wants them to be together as friends or lovers. Who knows? You'll understand my thoughts once you start watching it as well. I am not sure about this, but Jin Oh being stuck in the past life and knowing that he's the only one who clearly remembers everything, is already quite heartwarming. I also like how wholesome this trio is. 

Photo credit: Kdramadiary

3. Love isn't only for man and woman

I admire how Jin Oh and Se Joo blend each other well effortlessly. This might be the best bromance for me. You'll see from Jin Oh's eyes how much he adores his old friend. You'll feel how much he longed for him and how much he waited for the day to come that he'll meet his old mate. It's absolutely stirring. 

Photo credit: Ahjumammamshies

4. The '30s wardrobe was superb! 

Everything in the '30s looks fancy that I suddenly want to be in that era. May I also commend how Seo Hwi Young rocked this look with the suspenders and messy hair? Oh, how I wish I'd see him sporting this outfit in real life! LOL! Anyway, they're all equally amazing with their '30s outfits, but I cannot hide the fact that Hwi Young absolutely stood out. My eyes were always glued on him whenever the drama shows this era. 

Photo credit: Soompi
5. The story itself
I already watched a few K-dramas that revolve around writers, but nothing hits differently except for Chicago Typewriter. I liked the fact that it doesn't only focus on one aspect, like love and relationships, but it also tackles how to overcome obstacles in life. It's a self-help type of K-drama no one should miss. I don't know if I labeled it correctly, but every time I hit the play button and start watching, I feel like I am learning so much in life. I feel like I am having a conversation with an old friend who gives great life advice. 

There you go! I hope these are fully enough to convince you to grab your remote controls and start watching the drama. 

I paused watching to write this blog post before I forget what I honestly feel about the drama. I wanted to put it into words urgently so everybody will discover this hidden gem that will soon vanish on Netflix. 

I will definitely update this blog post after I finished watching it. I am pretty sure I'll still have a lot to share by then. I hope you'll tune in for that. 

Feel free to share your thoughts about the drama in the comment section below. I'll be glad to read it. ^^



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item Five Reasons to Watch "Chicago Typewriter" Before it Signs Off on Netflix
Five Reasons to Watch "Chicago Typewriter" Before it Signs Off on Netflix
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