Four Reasons Chae Song-Hwa's Hospital Playlist Character is a Paragon


  (original photo credits to Medical dramas were usually intense, and the degree of characters was different from ordin...


(original photo credits to

Medical dramas were usually intense, and the degree of characters was different from ordinary dramas. But Hospital Playlist (now on its second season) has shown the gentle and mild side of what we often perceived as a stressful environment. If you have already watched the first season of the Hospital Playlist, then probably you are one of its many impressed supporters due to its perfect portrayal of characters. And out of these remarkable characters, Chae Song-Hwa's personality has influenced my dispositions in life which made her my paragon of virtue.

And to set forth the reasons why Chae Song-Hwa is a paragon, read these four interesting facts about her character.

1. She is roseate among the thorns.

I always dream of having men as best friends. It's not that I don't like women, but having men as best friends will give your life an equilibrium. Men are not emotional, and they always look after female friends like how they are supposed to look after their sisters. The characteristics of Lee Ik-jun, Ahn Jeong-won, Kim Jun-wa and, Yang Seok-hyeong are the perfect examples of a guy friend who will always act as a wingman. You share the same passion and the same amount of love. I guess Chae Song-Hwa is the luckiest to have four soulmates. 

2. She plays bass in their band Mido and Falasol.

Everything about the friendship of these five fellas is on point. To be best friends and bandmates at once is a gift that not most of us are fortunate to have. Chae Song-Hwa hasn't just found her best friends, but she also found the perfect people to enjoy life together through music. Her role as the bassist plays a significant role in the band. The bass keeps the tempo and guides all instruments into a rhythmic foundation. Just like her role in the band, she is also the bass in their friendship. Her friends play loud and soft musical instruments. To lead them into harmony, they needed her. 

3. She is beyond how I picture out a doctor is.

I've never been admitted to a hospital before. Visiting hospitals are intimidating for me. I don't know how to deal with a difficult doctor. I've been to hospitals a few times to visit a friend who would always talk about how difficult it is to understand her doctor's attitude. Her doctor doesn't smile and always speaks authoritatively. But Hospital Playlist made me see the brighter side of a passionate and reliable doctor who always acts upon the call of duty with sincerity in their interaction with the patients. Chae Song-Hwa is one of the best professors in Yulje Medical Center and, she is on the 10th ranking of best female professor of neurosurgery in South Korea. How impressive, right? To be a beautiful woman, driven, performed hundreds of successful surgeries, has always been kind and loved by colleagues, is somehow an ideal character to become. If that is not perfection, then I don't know what it is.

4. She knows how to take care of herself.

In the first season of Hospital Playlist, one thing that made me so envious of Chae Song-Hwa was her hobby of camping alone. Yes! She loves camping alone in the woods. Setting up a tent is exhausting, especially if you are doing it alone but, don't worry, Chae Song-Hwa can set up her tent by herself. She also loves to pamper herself with material things she ordered online. Like a coffee maker! And in season 2, she bought herself a car! Amazing, right?! We should never deprive ourselves of things that will make us happy. Life is full of uncertainty. Learn from Chae Song-Hwa, and just live your life in the best way you can.

Indeed, Korean drama characters always embody perfection. From the setting, outfits, personalities of characters to their scripts, K-drama is a world from another dimension. But aside from being perfectly portrayed, the characters in the dramas are also influential. We get inspirations, motivations, help us set a goal, learn different kinds of love, and value family and friends. No matter what circumstances you are in now, you need only motivation. 

Watch Hospital Playlist and learn each character. They are depicting different personalities, and these characters might help you lead a good life - not perfect, as long as you are setting a good example. That's how I learned all of these from observing Chae Song-Hwa. She is a perfect paragon.



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item Four Reasons Chae Song-Hwa's Hospital Playlist Character is a Paragon
Four Reasons Chae Song-Hwa's Hospital Playlist Character is a Paragon
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