The Perfect Side Dish: Kimchi


“Korean cuisine is attractive to many Filipinos in terms of its phenomenology in popular and social media," Joven began. "Salient...

“Korean cuisine is attractive to many Filipinos in terms of its phenomenology in popular and social media," Joven began. "Salient promotion of Korean cuisine is embedded in many Korean dramas, regardless of genre. At the same time, K-pop fandom also magnifies this phenomenology of Hansik (Korean cuisine) popularity within the past two decades in the Philippines,” says Joven from GMA news.

"In the 1960s, ginseng merchant Sang-bok Cho opened the very first Korean restaurant in Manila called “Korean House” which marketed to Korean migrants. Other Koreans (some with Filipino business partners) followed suit so that from 2014 to 2018, the number of Korean restaurants in the Philippines increased by an astounding 81.2%, according to the Korean Food Promotion Institute," Joven added.

When it comes to Korean foods, the first thing that you come up with is kimchi. Kimchi is the most famous and known Korean food other than ramyeon. It is a side dish with every food you want to have, it’s the perfect partner.

Kimchi has various types and has a lot of ideas to make this as a side dish. I am making some types of kimchi as well and it is really fascinating how I can make different varieties.

Samgyeopsal is known for its do-it-yourself style of cooking. It is composed of lettuce, perilla leaves, sliced onions, and raw garlic kimchi. It's smudged in ssamjang (a mix of soybean paste called 'doenjang' and chili paste called ‘gochujang’) or salt and pepper in sesame oil. This is a must-try dish that when you tried it, you can’t live without it.

Ramyeon also made a name in local places in different countries. It is an instant noodle dish that has a spicy seasoning. It comes in a pouch or in a cup.

There are so many famous Korean foods you must try and eventually you will crave. Cultures that influenced other foods become more attractive and constant once people knew about them. Appreciating how our culture evolved with their help, makes us more proud of choosing our country for business expansion.

“If more of us valued food and cheer and song above hoarded gold, it would be a merrier world.”
― J.R.R. Tolkien



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item The Perfect Side Dish: Kimchi
The Perfect Side Dish: Kimchi
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