With the popularity of Psycho and Ice Cream Cake, among others, SM Entertainment's third-generation girl group, Red Velvet was formed in...
With the popularity of Psycho and Ice Cream Cake, among others, SM Entertainment's third-generation girl group, Red Velvet was formed in 2014. Consisting of Wendy, Seulgi, Irene, and Joy, Yeri joined the group after a year.
Photo credit: ë ˆë“œë²¨ë²³ (Red Velvet)'s Facebook page |
Why should you stan Red Velvet? Here are some reasons why:
Multi-talented in all aspects
Their talent is not limited to singing and dancing. Did you know that Wendy plays a lot of instruments? She played guitar, saxophone, piano, and flute. Irene appeared in a web drama, Game Development Girls. Joy helped write lyrics for her song ‘Young Love’ and had lead roles in some TV series such as The Liar and His Lover, and Tempted.
If you've listened to the Red Velvet remix of Ellie Goulding's Close To Me, Wendy and Yeri co-wrote the song.
Powerful vocals
These girls are the best in K-pop, especially for their powerful voice. Each member has a unique singing style. Wendy and Seulgi possessed the ability to nail high notes whenever they sang and dance.
Unique music videos
If you've noticed that music videos of Red Velvet are different from other K-pop girl groups, some people always say that it's weird. This group never stops exploring and testing their limits. They have a unique combination of themes for their music videos, and songs.
One example of it is Psycho. The aesthetic, the clothes, and their make-up fit the concept of the music video. There is a powerful message within the video. That is Red Velvet's way to deliver their songs through their superb music video concepts.
Whether it's for their addictive choreography or on-loop music that makes it louder, Red Velvet is one of the best groups who make sure whenever they have an album or a new song, it will reach the top chart.