World's streaming giant, Netflix, released two stills from the much-awaited-spin-off of the K-Zombie craze, Kingdom series, 'Kingdom...
World's streaming giant, Netflix, released two stills from the much-awaited-spin-off of the K-Zombie craze, Kingdom series, 'Kingdom: Ashin of the North' during What's Next Korea online event last February 25.
Jun Ji Hyun's appearance on Kingdom Season Two |
The event showed two stills from the upcoming episode, which will explore the backstory of Prince Lee Chang's group encounter during their journey north to discover the origins of the infected.
The stills showed images of Ashin, the heiress to a northern Jurchen town, portrayed by Jun Ji Hyun, who will be considered one of the major characters alongside Prince Lee Chang (Ju Ji Hoon) and Seo Bi (Bae Doo Na).
Kingdom, set during Korea's Joseon Dynasty, follows the story of Crown Prince Lee Chang and his subordinates who stumbled across an unnatural plague that resurrects the dead amidst his investigation of a brewing political conspiracy and rumors of the King's death. The first season premiered in January 2019 with the second debuting over a year later in March 2020.
Kingdom: Ashin of the North will again be spearheaded by Director Kim Seong Hun and Writer Kim Eun Hee who also worked together during the past two seasons. This season unravels the origins of the resurrection plant and the secrets behind the infected.
Netflix has yet to announce the exact airing date for the spin-off but Kim said that they're done shooting and currently in the post-production stage.
Courtesy: Rappler