Sambayanan is the name of the official website of Hyewa dong Filipino Catholic Community (HFCC). In the light of this Vision, the HFCC is ...
Sambayanan is the name of the official website of Hyewa dong Filipino Catholic Community (HFCC).
In the light of this Vision, the HFCC is commissioned to:
Cater to the needs of all migrant workers with Mary as Model;
Organize activities and programs to promote the holistic formation of volunteers;
Build and extend the family spirti within and outside the communtiy;
and Establish linkage with other communities, organizations and agencies to help support the needs and projects of the migrant workers.
In the light of this Vision, the HFCC is commissioned to:
Cater to the needs of all migrant workers with Mary as Model;
Organize activities and programs to promote the holistic formation of volunteers;
Build and extend the family spirti within and outside the communtiy;
and Establish linkage with other communities, organizations and agencies to help support the needs and projects of the migrant workers.